Cedar Park AVID Seeking Guest Speakers & Tutors

The Cedar Park AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program is seeking volunteers! AVID is a school-wide system that supports students in developing the skills needed to be college/career ready.

The AVID elective classes would love to host guest speakers from the Cedar Park community to talk to students about their college experiences and career paths.

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We also have a need for AVID tutors who would help to facilitate tutorials twice a week with a group of 6-7 students. The time commitment is about 45 minutes a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays in one of the AVID elective classes. Tutorials are student-run inquiry circles that help students navigate their core class content. Beaverton School District provides the necessary training and materials to be an AVID tutor.

If you are interested in either opportunity, please contact our AVID coordinator, Rich Feely: Richard_feely@beaverton.k12.or.us

Want to learn more about AVID? Find out more at www.avid.org.