PTC-sponsored PACK Store Offers a Variety of Prizes

Cedar Park's PACK store (formerly the PBIS store) is open for business every other Thursday during students' lunch periods, allowing students to turn in their paper PACK tickets (earned from teachers) and choose from a variety of prizes, including tic tacs, pens, socks, games, and other novelty items.

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This PTC-sponsored store is a part of CPMS's Positive Behavior Intervention System.  Students earn tickets from teachers and staff by demonstrating behaviors that represent the CPMS pillars:  Perseverance, Acceptance, Courage, Knowledge.

Students can save these tickets for larger prizes, spend as they earn them, or add them to the PACK raffle, which offers fun drawings for gift cards and school swag.

Parents are always needed to operate the PACK store.  Login to, Opportunities—> School Support —> PACK store to see the available shifts. Any questions can be directed to CPMS's Director of Volunteers, Angela Redmon.

Earned PACK tickets decorate the cafeteria windows.

Earned PACK tickets decorate the cafeteria windows.