
Kandinsky Art Lit Off to Awesome Start, Volunteers Needed for 6th & 7th Grades

Cedar Park 8th graders embraced Art Lit yesterday, learning about Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky. Parent volunteers presented the lesson and then assisted the students in completing a Kandinsky-themed art piece.

Examples of 8th grade art projects. Well done!

Examples of 8th grade art projects. Well done!

Volunteers Needed for 6th & 7th Grade

The art lit team is still in need of volunteers to assist 6th & 7th grade students through this project.

To find the correct time to assist with your child’s class, please ask your student when they have Humanities on Wednesdays. You can also check Parentvue to view your child’s schedule.

Here is the bell schedule for Wednesdays. Please note: AN MVP PROFILE IS REQUIRED TO VOLUNTEER DURING SCHOOL HOURS.

6th Grade— Wed, 11/28. Times vary based on student schedule.

6th grade sign-up HERE.

7th Grade–– Wed, 11/7. Times vary based on student schedule.

7th grade sign-up HERE.

Art Lit at CPMS is made possible by your generous 5K donation. Questions can be directed to our CPMS Art Lit Team (cpms.art.lit@gmail.com)

CPMS 8th Graders listening to Kandinsky lesson. Captivated!

CPMS 8th Graders listening to Kandinsky lesson. Captivated!

Several PTC Committees Waiting on Leadership

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(UPDATED 10/18) Cedar Park PTC is fortunate to have so many parents step up and into larger roles. However, we do have several committees that still need additional leadership.

Please contact Jennifer Rafanan if you are interested in keeping Cedar Park awesome through taking on one of these events.

Student Socials Co-Coordinator: JANUARY 2019 & JUNE 2019: Join a team to collaborate with staff to plan student socials at the end of each semester.

OBOB: Assist our Cedar Park librarian with promotion and coordination of this fun literacy program.

A full list of our Cedar Park PTC committees can be found here.

Cedar Park AVID Seeking Guest Speakers & Tutors

The Cedar Park AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program is seeking volunteers! AVID is a school-wide system that supports students in developing the skills needed to be college/career ready.

The AVID elective classes would love to host guest speakers from the Cedar Park community to talk to students about their college experiences and career paths.

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We also have a need for AVID tutors who would help to facilitate tutorials twice a week with a group of 6-7 students. The time commitment is about 45 minutes a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays in one of the AVID elective classes. Tutorials are student-run inquiry circles that help students navigate their core class content. Beaverton School District provides the necessary training and materials to be an AVID tutor.

If you are interested in either opportunity, please contact our AVID coordinator, Rich Feely: Richard_feely@beaverton.k12.or.us

Want to learn more about AVID? Find out more at www.avid.org.

Join the Wolf Work Day Team on 10/18

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This year's new volunteer initiative, Wolf Work Days, had a productive first session last month. Eight PTC volunteers braved an upstairs storage room to sort, clean, and organize it back to life.

THANK YOU to these everyday heroes for working to keep Cedar Park awesome.

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Wolf Work Days will be every third Thursday from 2-4pm. Volunteers will attack different areas of Cedar Park including outdoor areas, closets, or storage areas. The goals are to meet & socialize with other parents while improving CPMS piece by piece. 

Don't miss next month's Wolf Work Day on Thursday, 10/18.

5K Run Times Announced, Volunteers Encouraged

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With just TWO DAYS before our largest fundraiser of the year, the 5K team is busy confirming and securing all the small details. It’s going to be such a fun event— and we’d love to see you there.

Take a moment to look through these volunteer opportunities to see where you can contribute. It’s ESSENTIAL we have enough volunteers to maintain the fun and safety of this event.

Plus, it’s an excellent way to meet, socialize, and generally connect with other Cedar Park parents. Feel free to sign-up for any shift, regardless of your child’s grade. Don’t forget to wear blue and orange!


Participants will be released in waves. Competitive runners at 9:20am, walkers/joggers around 9:30am.

Corners of the Track (2 volunteers needed)

Various Fun Stations (1 volunteer needed)

Treat Table (1 volunteer needed)


Participants will be released in waves. Competitive runners at 12:10pm, walkers/joggers around 12:20pm.

Corners of the Track (4 volunteers needed)

Various Fun Stations (4 volunteers needed)


Participants will be released in waves. Competitive runners change at 2:23pm, walkers/joggers around 2:33pm.

Corners of the Track (3 volunteers needed)

Finish Line/Wristbands (5 volunteers needed)

Various Fun Stations (7 volunteers needed)

Students will need comfy clothes, appropriate shoes, and a water bottle!

Questions? Karen (cedarpark5k@gmail.com)

Cedar Park Art Literacy to Explore Kandinsky and Art Deco

Our Art Literacy program at Cedar Park is off to a fantastic start! This year students will learn about the artist Wassiliy Kandinsky and the style of Art Deco.

The students then do an art project during their Humanities class, based on the art lesson which requires no artistic skills in order to participate. 

While we like art for art's sake, we also believe Art Literacy -

  • Teaches students to think creatively and problem solve, both which will help prepare them for the future.

  • Helps students form mental images - an ability chemists, engineers, architects, designers, inventors and others use to think up new ideas.

  • Celebrate many perspectives. Students learn there are many ways to see and interpret the world.

We would love for you to join us! This is a great opportunity to see your student in action at school with only a two hour time commitment. No art experience is needed and it is seriously fun. We hope to schedule our first lessons for the end of October/beginning of November, so be on the lookout for a signup soon.

For more information please contact us at cpms.art.lit@gmail.com.

Wassily Kandinsky, “Yellow-Red-Blue” (1925), oil on canvas (Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, via WikiArt)

Wassily Kandinsky, “Yellow-Red-Blue” (1925), oil on canvas (Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, via WikiArt)

Student Store and PACK Store Now Open for Business

Two long-standing traditions live on at Cedar Park Middle School this fall. The Student Store and PACK store are now up and running, ready for business.

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Student Store Offers Supplies

The Student Store has been an early morning tradition for many years at Cedar Park.  Located smack dab in the front lobby, students are able to purchase a wide array of school-supplies, instrument reeds, limited snacks, and PE t-shirts between 8:50-9:15am, Monday through Friday.  

This valuable addition to CPMS is entirely run by PTC volunteers and is a great way to interact with the CPMS student body.  Click here to see open shifts. Student Store lead, Carrie Fox, is happy to train any new parents who are curious about this unique opportunity to witness the CPMS student experience.

PACK Store key Part of Incentive Program

Cedar Park's PACK store (formerly the PBIS store) is open for business every first and third Thursday during students' lunch periods, allowing students to turn in their PACK tokens (earned from teachers) and choose from a variety of prizes, including tic tacs, pens, socks, games, and other novelty items.

This PTC-sponsored store is a part of CPMS's Positive Behavior Intervention System.  Students earn tickets from teachers and staff by demonstrating behaviors that represent the CPMS pillars:  Perseverance, Acceptance, Courage, Knowledge.

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Students can save these tickets for larger prizes, spend as they earn them, or add them to the PACK raffle, which offers fun drawings for gift cards and school swag.

Parent volunteers are needed to help man the store. This is also an awesome way to interact with CPMS students in a fun, informal setting. Sign-up shifts are available here.